Nowadays, nearly every major paint company has a program on their website where you can upload a photo of your room and experiment with all the paint colors they have to see how it will look. This will give you a good starting point for your room.
You can also check websites such as My Perfect Color. This site suggests color combinations that will look great in most rooms.
Before choosing any coordinating paint colors for your home, make sure you take these tips into account first. They can save you time, money and stress on your home improvement project!
1. When your paint dries, it will be two shades darker than what you have in the paint can.
2. Always get samples of your paint colors, even if you have to pay.
3. Paint a small part of your wall before your paint your whole room. See how you like the color wet and dry. If you prefer it wet, go two shades up.
4. Pick three to five colors before you choose any coordinating colors. See how you like all of these colors on your wall. You may not like it after it is on your wall!
5. If you are selling your home, go with neutral, soothing colors.
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