If you are purchasing a home you want to find out if there are any liens on aproperty. This is accomplished by ordering a preliminary title report. This report can be ordered through escrow's title department and will provide you a list of any existing liens on the property. Typically you'll have a mortgage listed if one currently exists, but you may also find a tax lien, alamony lien, or even liens for unpaid medical expenses. In addition the preliminary title report should also determine if there are any unpaid property taxes.
Once it is determined what liens exist on a property your Realtor should be able to confirm with the escrow officer that those liens will be paid off at closing. To ensure that there are no missed liens it is a good idea to get title insurance so that you will not be caught off guard should liens go unreported.
If you have any other questions on this topic please contact us (808) 739-4174 | www.choicehomeshawaii.com. We'll be glad to help.