In a conversation with a new client we discovered not only that we shared the same acquaintances but also mutual friends, and even more, discovered we were related by marriage. Things can’t get any smaller when living in Hawaii. “Forget six degrees of separation it’s more like three!” She said.
It is true, when you live on an island you are bound to know the person who you’re driving next to. This being the case here’s a few tips to take advantage of your three degrees:
1. Be Nice To Everyone. I’m sure we’ve all experienced a rash of road rage or waited way too long for service. But if we act out on impulse rather than with courtesy, we might find out that we’ve just argued with a cousin.
2. Look For Connections. When I am
doing an initial consultation one of the first things I do is try to find a connection. This way it helps both myself and the other person to feel comfortable.
3. Give A Compliment. When you make a connection be sure to bring it up the next time you see the other party. If possible, give a good report of what you enjoyed about the meeting or person. It’s always nice to be reminded that we are all valuable in some way!